
New Construction

Buildings designed and constructed according to H0Me standards can be described by the six adjectives:

Natural: H0Me manufactures with exclusively natural and recyclable components, completely free of synthetic elements, complete absence of cement..;

Healthy: The goal of H0Me is to create living and working environments characterized by a comfortable but above all healthy indoor climate. Biocomposite and other materials

used do not emit VOCs, ensure extremely high breathability, absorb excess moisture and lower CO2 peaks present in confined and crowded spaces.

Efficient: biocomposite. beyond the performance data demonstrate a high capacity of insulation from cold and heat, making indoor temperatures stable and regular regardless of outdoor temperatures and, in addition, regulating indoor humidity.

Lightweight: H0Me’s building concept is based on lightness. Beyond architectural choices, the system’s self-supporting building elements weigh indicatively 260 kg/m3, about 40% less than a wall with blocks of autoclaved concrete and about 60% less than brick thermal, with superior energy and acoustic performance.

Modular: in the H0Me philosophy, the building evolves with those who live in it, and modularity is the necessary condition to respond to needs that change over time.

But more importantly, modularity is synonymous with dismountability; a dismountable building has the advantage of selective maintainability, replaceability of some components and complete removal of the building at the end of its life cycle, not affecting the Reusability of its components in other places. A modular building does not demolishes. disassembles and reassembles elsewhere.

Tailoring: Prefabrication is synonymous with standardization. H0Me changes this paradigm, introducing the concept of tailoring. The production process of the building component is designed to be adaptable to the technical and architectural requirements of the building to be made, thus recovering the skills craftsmanship of the workers. We offer the client ad Hoc studies x buildings and nuuove dwellings, custom designed, in accordance with H0Me’s Green Philosophy.